Sussex County Beekeeping Association 

Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Location: Richards Building

Sussex County Fairgrounds

37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ

2024-2025 Royalty Program

The Sussex County Honey Queen, Honey Princess and Junior Beekeeper Program provides our local community with young representatives to spread the word about the benefits of honey bees and beekeeping. Honey Queens and Princesses (girls) and Junior Beekeepers (boys) share their knowledge of honey bees and beekeeping with the public and schools, assist the judge during the annual Honey Show, participate in New Jersey State Fair events such as the parade, and volunteer their time working the honey booth. The Honey Queen also participates in the Queen of the Fair ceremony with the other 4-H queens.


Candidates who will be entering the fifth through twelfth grades should send an e-mail to the SCBA president ([email protected]) expressing interest. The letter should include the applicant's name, a parent or guardian's name, contact information (address, cell phone and e-mail) for the parent or guardian, and anything the candidate wants to share about her- or himself. Applicants should have some enthusiasm about beekeeping and a willingness to serve. Honey Queens preferably will have prior experience as a Honey Princess.


The Honey Queen and Princess will receive a sash and tiara. Junior Beekeepers will receive a shirt.


The Queen, Princesses and Junior Beekeepers (and a parent or guardian) must serve at least one four-hour shift during the State Fair, to be held this year from August 2-10, 2024. Parents or guardians will be asked to sign a release permitting photographs and use of their child's name in press releases and public announcements. Parents or guardians shall be responsible for their children while they participate in the Fair and any SCBA events.

For further information, please call program coordinator Tanya Cicerale at (201) 400-9230. Please encourage your children to participate!

Let's Talk About

Varroa Destructor

Dear Fellow Sussex Beekeeper-

Keeping track of the varroa destructor levels in your hives, and treating those parasites, is paramount to your success as a beekeeper, and your bee's ability to survive the onslaught of the bee viruses the mites vector. As we've discussed, in order to accurately and simply establish mite loads, you need to perform monthly checks.  We've attached a link here to a short educational video performed by Randy Oliver, researcher and beekeeper, and author of the web page  The video is titled "Randy's Mite Wash Video". Randy's web page also offers an instructional aid on how to create your own inexpensive mite shaker. Please log on to Randy's site, use it as you wish, and feel free to make a contribution if you're so moved.
Thank you and Bee well.
Tom Makoujy, Pres.

Sussex County Beekeepers Association

Name That Masked Beekeeper

Can you recognize your club members in their full beekeeping regalia? We all have a unique way of handling our bees--a special way we waddle when being chased by our hive. Send in your photos and give others a chance to Name That Masked Member.